Tag Archives: Springdale Produce

Loganberries 2020

The loganberries are early this year

They love sunshine and we’ve had plenty of that during May.

Each flower develops one berry, which has a juicier and sharper flavour than a raspberry. So we’ve been picking them as quickly as they ripen and making delicious jam.

The berries don’t all ripen at the same time so keep going back for more!

Strawberries 2020

Strawberry crop at Springdale this year is amazing. Already picked 128lbs and it’s only the middle of June. Strawberries are on the menu every morning for breakfast.

Freshly made jam is delicious! A real taste of summer.

In the field
On the boil – jam making
Breakfasts strawberries mixed with blueberries

Marmalade Season 2019

Marmalade 2019img_0330

Delicious new season Seville Oranges have been transformed into Springdale Produce’s tangy, fruity marmalade.  We have been selling it at Usk Farmer’s Market, which takes place every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month.



All our labels are newly designed with the the Springdale logo, our lovely Magnolia tree, and Wye Valley Jam with the variety named below.  Available to buy from us, or at Leaf Creative, Huntley Garden Centre, Huntley, GL19 3EX or from The Pantry, St Briavels, GL15 6TA




Springdale Success at Usk Show 2018

Our entries into the Usk Show this year were very successful


Clip from Monmouthshire Beacon

Here’s a selection of our Prize Winning Jams and Cakes

Bara Brith


Planted last year, 2017, this is the first year (2018) for picking our loganberries.

They look like raspberries but the fruit is a little longer and firmer. The loganberry is a raspberry x blackberry hybrid with quite a tart flavour which is ideal for cooking or jam.

The fruit is a sharper than a raspberry but makes delicious jam which sets in minutes.

A jug full of loganberries can be turned into three of these lovely jars of jam!

Monmouth Show 2018

Saturday 7th July 2018

Success at the Monmouth Show!

Scroll down for the shortbread wars!

Overall home baking – The Sterrett Perpetual Challenge Cup won by Deb!

The Ken Brown Challenge Cup for Savoury Muffins won by Sheila!

With the President of the Monmouth Show 2018

Receiving cups


Sheila – Three 1st Prizes – For Raspberry Jam, Apricot (stoned fruit) and Savoury Muffins and Ken Brown Cup for Savoury Muffins, 2nd Prize for Shortbread

Deb – Five 1st Prizes – Bara Brith, Six Pieces of Tray Bake, Round of Shortbread, Damson Chutney and Six Strawberry tarts, Two Second Prizes for Welsh cakes and a loaf of bread, and one Third Prize – strawberry jam

Six Pieces of Tray Bake

Damson Chutney

Six Strawberry Tarts

Sheila’s Savoury Muffins

Winning entries

Round of Shortbread

Six Pieces of a Tray Bake

Damson Chutney

First Prizes for Sheila’s Raspberry and Apricot Jam

Deb’s Strawberry Tarts

Deb’s Loaf of Bread – White Bloomer

Sheila’s Raspberry Jam

Deb’s Damson Chutney

Deb’s 2nd Prize Welsh Cakes

Deb’s First Prize Bara Brith

The Shortbread Wars!!!!!

First and Second!!!!!

Third for Strawberry Jam

The Sterrett’s Cup won for the most points overall 

The Ken Brown Challenge Cup won by Sheila for the best savoury muffins





Jazzy Potatoes

First potatoes of the year

Planted in April in raised beds in the polytunnel.

May 10th – growing well

Time for digging up

June 10th 2018

Jazzy Potatoes

Washed potatoes ready for the pot

Cooked and ready to eat

A delicious potato – one to remember – Jazzy

This is a new trial for Springdale. It has grown really well in the Polytunnel and is a tasty and strong growing potato which produces lots of evenly sized small waxy potatoes.

The cream coloured skin is very thin and needs no peeling, in fact it can be rubbed off with fingers.

This potato is a second early and has an absolutely delicious ‘melt in the mouth’ flavour.

Cakes for The Coffee House, Lydney

Springdale Produce now supply cakes to the Coffee House in Bathurst Park in Lydney

Moist Fruit Cake – with crushed pineapple

Caribbean Cake – flavoured with coconut and dotted with chocolate


Almond slices – tray bake with almond flavours and a layer of homemade jam through the centre


Blueberry Muffins

Carrot cake – a moist spicy cake with orange flavour frosting